10 Oct 2022
Chandler Kinney's hair is full of volume and life! The best part about this hairstyle is that it is easy for you to style at home. Here's how to master your diffuser technique for thick, defined curls if you're a beginner. Ensure your hair dryer has a diffuser that stays on before you begin. Apply your preferred styling products to thoroughly wet hair, let it air dry to a certain extent, and then apply the diffuser. Don't overdry your hair because this will cause frizz. Some people diffuse their hair while the heat setting is on to hasten the drying process, but for the sake of your curls' general well-being, we advise against doing this whenever possible. Another technique for generating lift at your roots is to hang your head or turn it upside down. Diffuse your hair in broad portions until it is 80 degrees dry. It's preferable to properly dry your hair before leaving the house so the humid outside air won't cause frizz as it dries. You are going to love this hairstyle, but the only downside is that glasses will not suit this look.
This haircut will look good with casual makeup. As a result, you do not need to wear foundation if you so like. You can apply some mascara and eyeliner to your eyes to give them a little more pop, or you can do an excellent eye makeup. Add a final coat of your favorite shade of lipstick and you're ready to face the day!