step 1

Using the corner of your comb and standing in front of a mirror find the middle of your nose and then drag the comb straight up slowly until you reach your hairline and then continue back in a straight manner to achieve an even middle part. A middle part is a great way to make small, round face shapes appear longer and thinner.

step 2

Using your brush, blow-dry in small sections starting from the nape/back. Tilting your head forward, place the brush an inch below the roots to hold them taut and aim the dryer above the brush for a few seconds before continuing to the ends.

step 3

Using your brush, blow-dry in small sections starting from the sides. Tilting your head forward, place the brush an inch below the roots to hold them taut and aim the dryer above the brush for a few seconds before continuing to the ends. Repeat this step on a new section directly above the dry one.

step 4

To blow-dry the crown/top sections, take a section of hair no bigger than the diameter of the brush and blow-dry the hair placing the brush under the section of hair. With your blow-dryer in front of the brush, follow the brush in an upwards direction at the roots and an outwards position at the ends for volume and softness. Continue until the section is dry.

step 5

A large hot roller is used to give your hair a larger curl and to add lots of body.

step 6

Take a section of hair no wider than the diameter of the hot roller and comb it through to ensure there are no knots. Place the roller at the ends of the section of hair, being sure to smooth the ends under, and then twist the roller vertically, making sure to roll it backwards, along the hair shaft to the roots and secure it with a pin or clip. Keep the rollers in your hair until they cool.

step 7

Take a section of hair from the nape no wider than the diameter of the hot roller and comb it through to ensure there are no knots. Place the roller at the ends of the section of hair, being sure to smooth the ends under, and then twist the roller vertically down the hair shaft to the roots and secure it with a pin or clip. Continue this step until the entire back section of your hair is completed. Keep the rollers in your hair until they cool.

step 8

Apply your moulding cream to the ends of your hair and then lightly pinch and scrunch the hair before allowing your moulding cream to set.

step 9

To finish, apply a minimal amount of hairspray from an arms length distance to the top, sides and back. Take care not to use too much or you will end up with a white, flaky residue which looks like dandruff.