step 1

Apply a small amount of hair moisturizer to the palm of your hand and distribute it evenly through the mid-lengths and the ends. Moisturizer will help your hair to maintain good condition and protect your strands from heat as you style.

step 2

Apply styling mousse to damp hair, using your palm as a measuring guide, and evenly distribute it along the hair shaft. Styling mousse will add hold and can help achieve better results.

step 3

Using the corner of your comb and standing in front of a mirror find the middle of your right eye and then drag the comb straight up slowly until you reach your hairline and then continue back in a straight manner to achieve an even right part. A side part is great for longer face shapes because it creates the illusion of width.

step 4

A large radial brush is usually used on long straight hair types or to smooth out wavy or curly hair textures. When selecting a radial brush, always use one with a pure bristle as this will not tear or damage the hair.

step 5

Starting at the nape/back of the hair, place your brush on top of the section and blow-dryer down starting from the roots and using tension as you go. Next, place the blow-dryer underneath the hair and continue to blow-dry the ends out. Make sure to follow the brush with the blow-dryer in an outwards direction. If you like fuller flicks, hold the ends out and roll them up into the brush and apply the heat for longer.

step 6

To blow-dry the sides, take out your first sections from the front and clip the rest of the hair up. Place your brush on top of the section, and starting from the roots, blow-dry down using tension as you go. Next, place the blow-dryer underneath the hair and continue to blow-dry the ends out. Continue this step until the hair is dry.

step 7

Take a section of your hair no wider than the diameter of your brush. Place your brush under and at the roots of your section. Then with your blow-dryer above, drag the brush up through the mid-lengths and ends of the hair following with your blow-dryer and pulling the hair to the left. Repeat until your hair is completely dry.

step 8

To blow-dry your bangs to the side, clip the back and side sections up, leaving just your bangs out. Place your brush beneath your bangs, holding your hair to the side and remembering to hold the tension between your hair and brush. With your blow-dryer on a low setting, apply heat by starting at the roots and make sure to stretch your hair out to the ends. Repeat until your hair is dry.

step 9

A medium hot roller is used to give your hair looser curls and can also be used for body.

step 10

Take the entire back section of your hair, and then starting from the crown, take a smaller section of hair no wider than the diameter of the hot roller and comb it through to ensure there are no knots. Place the roller at the ends of the section of hair, being sure to smooth the ends under, and then twist the roller down the hair shaft until it meets your head and then secure it in place with a pin or clip. Repeat this step until you have reached the nape of your neck and the entire back section of your hair is completed. Keep the rollers in your hair until they cool.

step 11

Take a section of hair no wider than the diameter of the hot roller and comb it through to ensure there are no knots. Place the roller at the ends of the section of hair, being sure to smooth the ends under, and then twist the roller vertically down the hair shaft to the roots and secure it with a pin or clip. Continue applying the rollers throughout your sides until they meet up with the other rollers applied to your head to complete this style. Keep the rollers in your hair until they cool.

step 12

Apply a small amount of wax to your fingertips and then lightly piece and pinch the ends of your hair.

step 13

Apply wax to your fingertips then drag through your bangs, sweeping the hair to the left as you go. Pinching the ends will create soft texture.

step 14

Apply a very small amount of smoothing shine to the palms of your hands and then run it through the mid-lengths and ends of your hair. Be careful not to add any to the roots or a large amount to any section of the hair as smoothing shine can be very heavy on the hair, weighing it down and making it appear oily.

step 15

Lacquer is great for strong hold. A small amount is all that is required to finish and should be applied from an arms length distance to the entire style.