This look will definitely turn heads and wow the crowds. This elegant up-style has been set in rollers, curled, teased and pinned to one side of the head to create this wonderful shape which is perfect for any special occasion.
Hairstyle Type
Category: Formal
Length: Updo Long
Elasticity: Curly
Gender: Women
Face Shape: oval,oblong,square,diamond
Hair Density: Medium/Thick
Hair Texture: Fine/Medium
Age: Under 21, 21 - 30, 31 - 40, and 41 - 50
Height: Any
Weight: Thin/Average
Forehead Height: Short/Average
Neck Length: Short/Average
Ears: Small/Average
Nose: Small/Average
Glasses: No
Time: 30+ minutes
Tip: Allow up to 2 hours styling time for hot roller setting, teasing, pinning and spraying. This long lasting style is great for all occasions and all weather conditions.